Configurable Dropdown in Detailed views and List views | Targetprocess - Enterprise Agility Solution
3 years ago

Configurable Dropdown in Detailed views and List views

Configurable Dropdown in Detailed views and List views

The Administrator now has the option to create UI elements of the “Dropdown” type with custom behavior and add them to an entity detailed and list views. The customization consists of defining, in the form of an API v2 request, the rule by which the Dropdown generates the list of values it shows when clicked on.

The typical, but not the only possible, use case of the Configurable Dropdown is having a “dependent selector”. This means a Dropdown which shows a limited list of the respective field’s values, depending on values set for other fields of the same entity. This prevents the user from having to scroll through a long list of all possible values.

An example of this is the “Program Increment” field. When a user is linking a Feature to a Program Increment (PI), they want the “Program Increment” Dropdown to list only the PIs of the particular Agile Release Train (ART) this Feature is assigned to. The user doesn’t want to scroll through all the PIs of all the ARTs, and this new functionality will help.

Refer to the guide for more details on the Configurable Dropdown feature. Feel free to contact Targetprocess Support if you need help setting it up.

Persistent Content in detailed view tabs

A new property for the "sections" component in the detailed view JSON configurator – "cacheOpenedTabs" – allows the Administrator to enable persistent content in tabs. It eliminates the re-rendering of the target tab's content every time a user switches between tabs.

By default, every time you switch to another tab, its content is requested from the backend. With this new property enabled, the system starts caching all the tabs for the currently opened detailed view. This reduces the time the user has to wait when switching between tabs.

Read more on the "cacheOpenedTabs" property in a dedicated section of the Customize Entity Detailed View guide.

Embedded Roadmap view: visual encoding and filtering of horizontal lanes

You can easily plan and review work within an embedded view without creating a separate Roadmap view in the lefthand menu. We have extended the usefulness of a Roadmap view embedded into an entity detailed view with the option to configure visual encoding for cards displayed on a view and the possibility to filter horizontal lanes.

Within system settings, the Administrator can set an additional property "visualEncodingRules" for "roadmap.configurator" component in a JSON configurator of an entity detailed view to highlight cards displayed on the embedded Roadmap view. Similarly, the additional property "horizontalLaneFilter" can be used to filter horizontal lanes to group items on the Roadmap horizontally by a parent item or any other entity property.

Please, use our Embedded Roadmap view customization guide for detailed instructions.

Minor Improvements

  1. In Detailed views, lazy loading has been introduced for images (in tabs & in comments) and attachment previews to improve performance.
  2. A counter of active filters is now shown for Reports embedded to dashboards.
  3. Options in the future are added into the time selector of a Roadmap view so you can quickly pick up the relevant period of time, a week, a month, etc., in both ways, in the past and the future.
  4. Delete button became more noticeable in Quick filters.
  5. API for EntityState history is now available (/api/v1/entitystatehistory) for tracking the changes in the Team State, including adding, removing, and renaming. You can analyze team level performance using reports based on the number of reopen issues, time in the state, and other reports to improve team level cycle time. The ability to identify Team State changes facilitates deeper analysis.
  6.  Now, team/user avatar is displayed on ExD generated units/detailed view fields

Bug Fixes

  1. Separate hyperlinks in a Template URL custom field are now readable.
  2. It is now possible to expand a custom field history record in the History tab of an entity detailed view.
  3. When sorting a column on a list widget from a dashboard, the other columns don't collapse anymore.
  4. The User field now appears in the customized quick add form.
  5. The error message doesn't appear anymore if two quick filters for different custom fields are presented on a view.
  6. Unable to rename custom fields for Requesters/Users
  7. "Attachment updated" is not shown anymore in History
  8. Now, it's possible to filter different cards by the same property, if it's native for one card and created via ExD in another
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