Targetprocess v.3.11.0
7 years ago

Targetprocess v.3.11.0: multiple final states, team mentions, Project selector in Reports, and plenty of fixed bugs.

Redesigned Settings

We've done some housekeeping over the last few months. As a result, the Targetprocess Settings page has a new look and feel. We hope we've made it more pleasant to work with.

As before, you can reach Settings by clicking the gear icon at the top right corner. 

We've regrouped all settings into logical sections to make it easier to quickly find the options you need. You may need some time to get used to new grouping, but it makes much more sense arranged this way.

We have completely reworked the Tags section. You can read more about this here. We've also removed the Team section from Settings, as it's more easier to assign multiple users to Projects and Teams right from the Project or Team view. You can read more about this here.

Regular users have access to Import and the Diagnostic and Logs section. Admin users will see the following groups:


Multiple final project states

There used to be no easy way to find out if a closed bug was rejected or fixed.

You can now use multiple final project states for this. For example, let's say I want to set a new kind of resolution for a Bug or Request. I would go to Process Setup > Bug Workflow, set up Rejected and Duplicate bug states, mark them as final, and set the Completed state as the default final state. All 3 states have the semantic of a “final” state — cards in this state will be grayed out, end dates will be set automatically when the entity moves to these states, and filters with 'IsFinal' will be applied. 

Multiple final states are not supported if you use Team Workflows.

Mention Teams in comments

When you start typing several symbols after an '@' symbol, you will now not only see a list of users, but also a list of teams above the users. If you mention a team, then all its members receive an email notification. In the comment, the mentioned Team (or User) becomes a link to the Team's (or User's) view.

Shortcut 'alt+click' opens next view with the current Project/Team selection applied

This is a solution that will be helpful for anyone who uses the same set of boards for different Teams or Projects. You can now set your Projects and Teams selection just once and navigate through several views with that selection.

To make such scenarios work, you can do the following: Select the Projects and Teams you wish to see using the selector at the top of the view. To open another view using the selection you just applied, you can hold the ‘Alt’ key and click on the new view in the left menu. For more details, visit this post.

Project/Team selector added to Process Control, Cycle Time Distribution, Relations Network charts

You will no longer have to set the proper Project or Team before you go into Reports, or have to close a Report to reach the context menu. Now you have a Team/Project selector right in Report Settings.

Cumulative Flow and Burn Down charts:

You can now easily change the selected Project using a dropdown list.

Project board now shows active and inactive projects in different shades

Inactive project cards are now slightly greyed out, as disabled elements usually look like. Hover your mouse over the card to see its details pop-up; all of these units will be greyed out as well.

Targetprocess Image

CSV import Features

We've improved CSV import a bit. Now when you import a batch of Features, you can map them to a parent Epic so that they get to the right place in your work hierarchy.

Cards and Axes sorting order unified

We groomed sorting inconsistency a bit. Earlier, Release lanes were sorted by Creation Date while Release cards were sorted by Project. That was a bit weird, so now cards or lanes of the same entity type have a unified sorting order - Releases are sorted by Start Date.

Service Desk Widget in Targetprocess

We migrated from UserVoice to our very own Service Desk and updated the 'Contact Us' widget. Now you can post your issues and ideas right from the widget and navigate easily to our Service Desk portal.

Targetprocess Image

Fixed Bugs

  • You can now send images and attachments in comments with email notifications
  • Fixed DSL filters to find items with attachments. The following filters will now work: '?attachments.count>0'  and '?Attachments.Where(Name is 'log.txt')'
  • Timesheet: time improperly associated a NULL role if added by a user whose role was not responsible for that entity
  • Fixed possible effort inconsistency when applying metric results
  • Fixed comment losses which occurred if the 'Source' button was clicked twice.
  • Timesheet: Fixed transfers to states which require a comment
  • Fixed Team state transfer for non-admin users, which failed if Team states were mapped to the last Project state.
  • Fixed cache for List views to support complex filters by custom fields
  • Fixed effort recalculation for a User Stories if their Tasks are removed or moved to/from another User Story
  • Fixed Dashboard TODO widget: filter by entity type apply on first load only
  • Fixed Epic > Feature > User Story List views which showed only 25 items and no 'show more' link
  • Fixed Requests and Test Plan Run effort units in a List view to be consistent with the entity views
  • Fixed improper Initial estimate field population with an Effort value when User Story copies to a new Project
  • Fixed export to CSV so that it takes the axes filter into account
  • Added the ability to filter entities by a 'None' option in a Multiple selection field ('?MultipleSelectionCustomField is None)
  • Fixed Quick Add failures if there are no teams in the system yet
  • Fixed mixed Test Plans/Test Cases lists sorting by Business Value column
  • Non-required dropdown custom fields which do not have a default value could be saved with an empty value now
  • 'Last Run date' unit gets back
  • Fixed 'Add & Open' button in quick add in the new inner lists and Relations
  • Improved performance of hierarchical test plan run creation
  • Fixed a calculated custom field creation error in case its formula uses another custom field but with the same name
  • Corrected the error message for an unsuccessful attempt to attach a file that's too large
  • Fixed reply comments that could not be deleted if their parent comment was deleted first
  • SMTP password length limit expanded
  • Fixed Time add from a list in the 'Work Hierarchy' tab
  • Fixed Tabular Report 'Assigned Effort' to show names properly (when there are multiple users assigned under the same role)
  • Fixed CSV export: checkbox custom field 'false' value used to export as 'null'
  • Fixed occasional failure to save Description changes which would sometimes occur even when only one user edited it
  • Fixed issue with renaming tags
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